Paint Color Chart

Above are the colors I try to keep in stock, but all colors are subject to local availability. I can usually purchase most of these colors locally, but not always. (Gold & silver availability is sketchy) For metallic silver and metallic gold, add $5.00.

Our Painting Policies

1. If I had my druthers, I'd never ship ANYTHING painted. It would be in primer only and ready for the customer to paint. Why? Well, for one thing, you'd see how much trouble I go to painting these things, and secondly, because the way most shippers handle packages (a total disgrace with no respect for the package), there is really no way that I can guarantee that your launch pad is going to arrive without at least a very minor scratch on it, if not worse. I go to great lengths to wrap them up and pack them to the point where they shouldn't get scratched, but I can't guarantee that won't happen. One thing that I can guarantee is, if you use these launch pads out in a field somewhere to launch rockets, hauling them back and forth, you'll add scratches to them over the years as time goes by. But, since we use standard spray paint that is available just about everywhere, it's easy for you to touch up any scratch or re-paint the product every few years if necessary.

2. I have to paint outside of my shop for ventilation purposes. (It is not advisable to fill a small enclosed space with combustible paint fumes and then strike a welding arc) Therefore, I am limited to painting on days that the weather allows, making painting somewhat of a bottleneck in my process. Even on days when it's not actually raining, but it has been raining and the humidity level is very high, painting is not a good idea as the paint doesn't want to dry properly. In high humidity conditions, the paint tends to "cloud" or "fog" when it dries and it looks bad. Those of you who are using these paints to paint your rockets know exactly what I'm talking about here. So this is something to think about when you're wondering what's taking me so long and I have your launch pad finished and in primer and it's just sitting there and there is a week of rain in the forecast with a hurricane blowing through.

3. All paint colors are subject to availability. Sometimes the color you want simply will not be available to me locally. There have been a couple of times in the past when I have foolishly burned out a half a tank of gas in my truck running around all over God's creation trying to find a particular color of paint for a customer. So I'll do the best I can, within reason.

4. Another thing about offering so many color choices is that it basically makes each launch pad sold a "custom job" as far as the paint color is concerned. I don't mind offering color choices because I think a customer should be able to get what they want so long as I can get the paint. And back in the early days when I only offered them in red or blue, well, that got kinda boring after a while. But while a launch pad is still in primer, it can be any color a customer orders. But after I've painted it say orange or purple, it's committed that that color and can only be sold to someone who wants orange or purple. So for this reason, I like to get paid before painting. I don't want to have to sit on a green launch pad for six months waiting on a customer who wants green, or to have to re-paint a launch pad I've already painted.